Turbulent Times

I saw a headline yesterday; “Turbulent times: What to invest in.” It made me laugh because the answer should be obvious. We should be investing in ourselves. Why? Because the […]


Discernment is an adult skill, one that seeks understanding through self-reflection and divine guidance. Discerning the powerful question embedded in our own life story moves us beyond the lessons we […]

Critical First Step

A critical first step in finding our most powerful question is examining our life story and narrative, identifying themes and patterns. Among these is what I call our “apriori” theme. […]

Easter Greetings!

Easter Greetings! He is risen, Alleluia! Alleluia! In a recent workshop we focused on the themes that emerge in our life story and narrative (Narrative is the story we tell […]

Finding Your Powerful Question Within Your Spiritual Gifts Workshop

This past weekend, Joe Hilke and John Olesnavage conducted a workshop for the United Methodists NE District, Circuit 12, in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. The workshop was titled, “Finding Your Powerful […]


The proof that we exist is that we have relationships. How many of us are trying to exist without relationships, especially without a relationship with God who brought us into […]


It is hard to think about anything else this week except what is going on in Ukraine.  I do hear more insistent questions being asked than ever before; questions like, […]