PQ Zoom Calls

Many who have found their powerful question have asked for additional support as they search for answers. In response to that request I am going to initiate a Zoom call-in once a month at an established day and time. In this monthly call-in people will be encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions. There will be no charge for this call-in. It will begin in April and further information will be coming shortly.

Just asking for a friend.

Personal Truth

Is there anything more important than coming face-to-face with our own truth? And, for those of us who have, do we see it as an invitation to a new relationship with ourselves as well as with God? Do we remember that God already knows that truth and loves us anyway?

Just asking for a friend.

What is a purpose-filled life?

What is a purpose-filled life? In his book, Art + Faith, Catholic artist, Makoto Fujimura, describes a “Theology of making.” “We are Imago Dei, created to be creative, and we are by nature creative makers.” He defines a purpose-filled life as being engaged in a co-creative process with the Holy Spirit. My experience tells me that engagement begins when we come face-to-face with a question that reveals what is true about ourselves. St. Paul experienced that on the road to Damascus when he heard, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Acts 9:4)