Core Values Number Three and Four

A third core value of the Powerful Question discernment process involves validation. Not only is this a self-directed process, it is also self-validating. When the Powerful Question arrives it will always be accompanied by a physical and/or emotional response that is unmistakable. That happens because our body reacts to this Question, this moment of clarity and truth, the same way it does when a doctor taps our knee with a small hammer. There is an involuntary response. It can, and does arrive in many surprising ways. Some experience shortness of breath, others experience giggling sensations or goosebumps. Headaches can happen, so can a churning in our stomach. Bottom line: You will know it, and it will be all the validation you need.

The fourth core value of the Powerful Question approach to discernment is: That it is a prayerful approach to truth and God who is truth. Discernment that seeks to know truth, also seeks to know God who is truth. As such it is the very definition of prayer. Could an evil person like Hitler find a Powerful Question? No, because a person like that does not desire truth.

Core Values Number Two

The search for a Powerful Question is self-directed; even if others help you with feedback and insight; even if you follow the suggested steps. Everyone is unique and your discovery process will be what it needs to be in order to see your Question in the light of day. If you want to find it, and persist in your effort, it will appear. Trust yourself, trust that God is also involved, and He does things His way. The longer it takes is often an indication of how big its impact on your life will be.

Core Values

There are certain “Core Values” that underpin the Powerful Question approach to discernment. These are values we want to hold ourselves accountable to and expect others to judge us by.

The first of these is that it is intentional. This affirms that we are engaged in a serious, committed effort to find our purpose and our role in God’s plan. We do not want to count on falling off a horse, going blind and having an epiphany (Like St. Paul). We believe our intentional pursuit of a Powerful Question will reveal our truth, and God who is truth.


Some people may be troubled by the notion of a single question having the power to transform their life. Think of a combination lock. It is capable of being programmed with many possible combinations, but only one works to open it right now.

Our Powerful Question will unlock God’s plan for us, as we can understand it right now, and it will evolve as the truth it contains unfolds.