Mundelein Conference

I just returned from a two day conference with the Institute for Religious Life at Mundelein Seminary. I was moved by the devotion and dedication demonstrated by the IRL staff […]

God’s Plan

Do I really believe that God has a plan and I have a special role to play in it? If the answer is yes, do I then have some responsibility […]

Living in an Age of Anxiety

We live in an age of anxiety as evidenced by a general lack of confidence in our institutions. Renewal begins when we accept the fact that we are the institutions […]

Zoom Meetings

On April 18, 2023 at 5 PM CST I will host a zoom call for anyone who has found their powerful question through one of our retreats or workshops and […]

Searching for Meaning

So many people are searching for a way to feel their life has a greater meaning. If they are Catholic and Christian, they believe that meaning will begin and end […]

PQ Zoom Calls

Many who have found their powerful question have asked for additional support as they search for answers. In response to that request I am going to initiate a Zoom call-in […]

Personal Truth

Is there anything more important than coming face-to-face with our own truth? And, for those of us who have, do we see it as an invitation to a new relationship […]