A powerful question illuminates a person’s path to purpose. But, what is purpose?
I would suggest that there are three ways most of us define purpose. First, and most obvious for Christians, is the one I first learned in the catechism. “To love and serveGod.” Second choice for many would be raising a happy, loving family. Third choice for others would be a successful, meaningful career.
For most of us, loving and serving God happens through loving our neighbors. Hard to measure and how much is enough? Because of aptitude, family expectations and a host of other factors, our career may have chosen us rather than the other way around. And, family? Most of us advancing in age look back and see all the things that were out of our control, things that could have been and should have been. It seems our task in old age is to accept and appreciate the things that went well and let go of the rest.
Tying purpose to loving and serving God is a guaranteed winner, but it is still left to us to determine what “With your whole heart and soul” means in our day-to-day life.
So, is purpose just a giant exercise in accepting, reconciling and letting go? Or is itreally something else that depends on us finding our own truth and our place in God’s plan?
What do you think?