Reflection and Freedom

We may talk about transformation and freedom to be who we really are, but many of us are trapped in our own life story. Don’t we even know future choices we will “probably” make (even ones we don’t like) based on that narrative? Real freedom starts with a genuine question we care deeply about and following it to the truth it reveals.

Mass Shootings

We are all made numb by the endless string of mass shootings happening across the country. We can pray that our elected leaders take meaningful steps to stop these horrible tragedies. And, there is another thing we can do. We can start asking the young, the confused and the misled what they need and want most. They live in our towns, they live next door, they live in our basements. Then, we can help them find life-giving, not life-taking answers.

Turbulent Times

I saw a headline yesterday; “Turbulent times: What to invest in.” It made me laugh because the answer should be obvious. We should be investing in ourselves. Why? Because the results will last forever. Taking my own advice, I am engaging in Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book, “33 Days to Morning Glory, a do-it-yourself retreat in preparation for Marian Consecration.” Each day has given me new insights into Mary’s grace giving power. The best part: The returns are one-hundred fold and guaranteed by the creator of all things visible and invisible. What are you investing in?


Discernment is an adult skill, one that seeks understanding through self-reflection and divine guidance. Discerning the powerful question embedded in our own life story moves us beyond the lessons we have been taught and enables us to engage in an adult relationship with God. Isn’t that what evangelization is all about?

Critical First Step

A critical first step in finding our most powerful question is examining our life story and narrative, identifying themes and patterns. Among these is what I call our “apriori” theme. An apriori theme is one that stands out above the others and is critical to how we know ourselves. Our most powerful question is likely embedded in that theme.

Boundary (and the lack of it), was a critical “apriori” theme in my life story as a child and young adult. I never saw it as such until it emerged one day in a powerful question that shook me to the core. That is what a powerful question does.

Easter Greetings!

Easter Greetings! He is risen, Alleluia! Alleluia!

In a recent workshop we focused on the themes that emerge in our life story and narrative (Narrative is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves). Our most powerful question is embedded in those themes. That is why it is so important to see past the negative influences and traumatic events that may have befallen us along the way. All of us have experienced woundedness of one sort or another, and it is critical that we not make that our identity. There are ways to move forward, sometimes by embracing our wounds, rather than being shackled by them. Doing so can free us to see ourselves as God does.

Finding Your Powerful Question Within Your Spiritual Gifts Workshop

This past weekend, Joe Hilke and John Olesnavage conducted a workshop for the United Methodists NE District, Circuit 12, in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin.

The workshop was titled, “Finding Your Powerful Question Within Your Spiritual Gifts”. Joe led a discussion on spiritual gifts and John introduced Powerful Question. Participants response was enthusiastic. The second and concluding part of this workshop will be held this Saturday, April 9, 2022 at the same location.


The proof that we exist is that we have relationships. How many of us are trying to exist without relationships, especially without a relationship with God who brought us into existence in the first place. I think we are seeing both sides of that in the Ukraine. A people united in defending their homeland, and a dictator who is a god unto himself.


It is hard to think about anything else this week except what is going on in Ukraine.  I do hear more insistent questions being asked than ever before; questions like, “How can this be happening in 2022?” And, I salute the people of Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia who sprang into action with open arms to receive refugees. St. Vincent DePaul’s powerful question, “What must be done?” is calling us all to action. It appears to me that this time the world is responding.

Developing Our Identity

Psychologists tell us that we begin developing an identity when we begin seeing our life as a story. Purposeful living requires that we examine that story through the lens of a powerful question and decide if we want to continue as an observer or as a co-author and producer.