Living in an Age of Anxiety

We live in an age of anxiety as evidenced by a general lack of confidence in our institutions. Renewal begins when we accept the fact that we are the institutions and their healing depends on our healing. “I am the vine and you are the branches.” John 15:5, means just what it says. And, what we need to heal becomes apparent when we find the powerful question embedded in our life story.

Zoom Meetings

On April 18, 2023 at 5 PM CST I will host a zoom call for anyone who has found their powerful question through one of our retreats or workshops and wants to share their reflections and progress. Please contact me at if you would like to join in. No charge, just a sincere desire to continue the journey.

Searching for Meaning

So many people are searching for a way to feel their life has a greater meaning. If they are Catholic and Christian, they believe that meaning will begin and end with God. But, we want to feel it and know it, not just believe it. When a person discovers their powerful question they will feel it, they will know it. It happened to me and it happens to everyone who finds their question. This is the intentional search for meaning.

PQ Zoom Calls

Many who have found their powerful question have asked for additional support as they search for answers. In response to that request I am going to initiate a Zoom call-in once a month at an established day and time. In this monthly call-in people will be encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions. There will be no charge for this call-in. It will begin in April and further information will be coming shortly.

Just asking for a friend.

Personal Truth

Is there anything more important than coming face-to-face with our own truth? And, for those of us who have, do we see it as an invitation to a new relationship with ourselves as well as with God? Do we remember that God already knows that truth and loves us anyway?

Just asking for a friend.

What is a purpose-filled life?

What is a purpose-filled life? In his book, Art + Faith, Catholic artist, Makoto Fujimura, describes a “Theology of making.” “We are Imago Dei, created to be creative, and we are by nature creative makers.” He defines a purpose-filled life as being engaged in a co-creative process with the Holy Spirit. My experience tells me that engagement begins when we come face-to-face with a question that reveals what is true about ourselves. St. Paul experienced that on the road to Damascus when he heard, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Acts 9:4)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year gives us a fresh start, an opportunity to reset the clock and do some reflecting. Many use this time to think about new goals involving diet, exercise and finances. Doing so can help us avoid the bigger question, “Am I happy?”

If the answer to that question makes us uncomfortable, it is time to consider whether we are living a purpose-filled life. A purpose-filled life is passionate and vulnerable. It demands our commitment and our sacrifice. It is no less than the quest for the holy grail. Being on that journey is the definition of “happy.”

Some choose a pilgrimage; I know people who have walked the famous Camino in Spain. There are many such journeys, each travelled with the hope of personal discovery and the reward of having “done it.” For those of us without the time, money, or energy for such an adventure, there is another way to ensure our own epic quest. I will share the secret to that happiness over the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

Thinking Big

We live in a culture that worships “Big.” We like big trucks, big houses, big celebrations, big risk and big reward. Yet, ironically, I can think of nothing bigger than an infant’s first smile. That smile can melt the most hardened of hearts and silence an entire room of chattering adults. Can you imagine the first smile that appeared on that cold night in Bethlehem? Take a moment in this busy season and let it warm whatever needs warming in you.

PQ Process

I was recently asked if finding your powerful question is a “going inside” process. The question gets to an important point. We typically gravitate to either internal or external when we want to reflect on our life. If we are injured or hurt we often do a quick internal assessment ie, “How is this affecting me?” If we want to consider whether we feel good about our life we often begin by taking an external inventory of what we have and what we have accomplished.

Discovering our powerful question requires both an internal and external examination. Stay with only internal and you will likely encounter judgmental self-talk and old scripts that can keep you stuck. Stay with only the external and you will likely miss the deeper meaning of accomplishments, successes and failures. Finding where internal and external intersect, and staying with any tension that may exist there is the sweet spot where powerful questions can reveal themselves.

PQ Institute Updates

Welcome to Advent, the season of anticipation and hope. In that same spirit of hope, and with a prayerful attitude, I have been busy anticipating what 2023 will bring to the Powerful Question Institute. I expect it will include another retreat, this one in the UP of Michigan in September of 2023, and development of Zoom classes. These classes will be limited to three or four individuals working with me directly as they pursue their powerful questions. This will be a new challenge, but one I am eager to pursue. Specifics regarding both of these initiatives will be coming soon.