Living Into My Powerful Question During Covid by Sue Repa
First, I received my Powerful Question, then Coronavirus spread around the world. We were all affected ln some way.
My Powerful Question is: “What is the good ln suffering?”
I felt well-armed, ready to face this pandemic, living Into my question was a blessing; being the person who is the “silver lining, the Mr. Rogers – `Look for the helpers’ type.” I looked to my Powerful Question as a way of doing my part.
I pondered what is really important in Life. The things I worried about before seemed so small and in-consequential after Covid. priorities changed. I realized the preciousness of each day and the importance of friends and family. It is a gift to re-organize Life and set new priorities.
In this process of looking for the good, I have discovered something new about myself. Covid has been a personal challenge. I am stronger, more resilient, more capable than I realized. Because many of us have experienced great sorrow during this pandemic our capacity for the positive feelings of joy, love and gratitude are heightened.
Being really sad helps us to appreciate feeling good! The gift here is I have more feeling in the experience of Life and the gift of each new day. I have gained a capacity for greater faith. We don’t always ponder our existence. usually, during loss, we realize we are a part of something much larger.
I am open to a new spiritual view as a result of my Powerful Question, We can choose to believe there is an order and purpose to our life, even if we cannot understand it now. I open myself to the questions that can be answered — (what and how) -What am I to learn from this experience? How can I grow from the many losses?
Skills to suffer through loss are good skills to have for living. Real growth means enduring through the hard times instead of avoiding them. We learn the importance of loving those around us and learning patience with self and others.
There is also good in having a greater sense of compassion and connection to others. People drawn together in crisis often form a deep and lasting connection to each other. My Powerful Question has been so helpful to me and the people around me. Sure, there are some who are annoyed by people like me. The “Pollyanna” type (always optimistic) – some just want an outlet for their fear and anger.
My Powerful Question has prevented me from sliding down the slippery slope of despair. How can I help people go on?
• By extending the hand of sympathy and compassion.
• By finding the good
• By being generous and true
• By comforting those who can’t go on
It has taught me many things. It has required me to suffer, but it compelled me to reach.