What is Enough?
When is enough, enough?
When we eat ice-cream?
When we play solitaire?
When we run a marathon?
Yesterday was Valentines Day and at 7 AM I was sitting in a doctor’s office with my sister-in-law for her appointment following cataract surgery. I saw a steady stream of grey-haired, one-eyed pirates accompanied by their grey-haired sleepy drivers.
At 8 AM I was in the local big box store with scores of men and women, young and old, looking for the right amount of flowers in the right colors and with the right price tag. It seemed to me that age correlated with size. One young women had a teddy bear with a big red heart that filled her entire grocery cart.
When we love someone, do we ever ask if it’s enough? Did Jesus Christ ever ask himself that question?
Powerful Questions Discovered
Who Has Powerful Questions?
Scientists & Entrepreneurs
Einstein found his Powerful Question at age 16. He credited that question as being present throughout his life. His question: “What would it be like to ride on a beam of light?”
Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) set out on his mendicant journey for the sole purpose of finding an answer to his question: What is the cause of pain and suffering?
May Lin asked herself “What is the purpose of a war memorial at the close of the twentieth century?” before submitting her winning design for the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial.
Spiritually Called
Elizabeth Bettina had hers when looking at a 1940 photograph. She wondered why a priest, a rabbi, and a policeman were all smiling together on the steps of a church in Italy when Jews were being incarcerated at the time.